Video in Digital Marketing: A Comprehensive Guide

Video, as a multifaceted visual medium, serves many digital marketing purposes; it democratizes information, tugs at heartstrings, gets your product in front of people, and (with the right music choice) induces the so-called “earworm” phenomena that make you unforgettable. 

Also, the process can be as simple as pressing record, uploading online, and boom, you’re done! But here’s the catch: for every viral TikTok craze or topic-specific video essay, there are about a zillion inspired variations born from it. So, attaining viewership and engagement might feel akin to finding a needle in a haystack. With the most common issues being due to quality, structure, or content-platform mismatch. Therefore, the only way to really succeed is to stop relying on what’s “fast and easy” and instead, have a solid plan that will aid you not only in navigating those aforementioned pitfalls but also in achieving lasting success. 

To help you – we’ve compiled all the essential info:

Understanding Different Types of Marketing Videos

  • Explainer Videos

These are like elevator pitches: they break down complex jargon into accessible terms for a general appeal! It’s the perfect format if you’re aiming to introduce your brand, present the significance of (a specific topic) that falls under your niche to first-time customers, or cement your brand as an industry thought leader. Similar to #FinTok, where financial experts educate their followers on the basics of insurance and why everyone should have one. 

  • Product Demos

Product demos are the way to go if you’re looking to: wow potential customers by showing off the practical application of a product; presenting them with an unfiltered glimpse at its design (if it’s tangible); highlighting the key features and benefits; or simply #budol them into making a purchase! 

  • Customer Testimonials

Not everybody has time the luxury of time, and with overwhelming options available online and in-store, prospective customers resort to watching testimonials to get a “feel” of a product’s effectiveness and be swayed into making a transaction. So, if you’re seeking to foster trust, and establish credibility, leverage this social proof! 

Suggestion: Take screenshots of rave reviews from Facebook, Google Reviews, or customer direct messages (with consent) to feature in your video content. 

  • How-To Videos

Viewers today are primed for instant and short; if your content requires extra work and is considered long, they’ll just scroll past. That’s why how-to videos excel – they’re usually under a minute long yet filled to the brim with all the necessary info! These could span a range of topics, from guiding prospective customers through specific sizing procedures to providing a swift solution to their concerns.  Hence, if you want to be their go-to on how-to’s, then consider this approach! 

  • Live Streams

If your goal is to build a genuine connection with your community and following, try live streams; it’s an interactive and chill space fit for hosting activities like Q&A sessions, announcements, giveaways, and workshops. 

In addition to these, you have the flexibility to either distribute on your established social media platforms like Instagram or Facebook or expand to new spaces like Twitch to cover more ground.

  • Behind-the-Scenes Tours

When people get a glimpse of the personal side of a brand – the talented team involved, the ethical practices, and even the inception story – it adds a personal touch, making it feel less commercial and more human. Suddenly, it’s not just any corporate brand anymore, but one they feel like they personally know, which makes them invested, and inclined to trust you again and again.

Planning Your Video Marketing Strategy

  • Setting Clear Objectives

Before hitting record, take a moment to figure out what you’re trying to achieve with this video. Are you trying to get people to complete transactions, form a tight-knit community with your followers, or get your name out there? Having clear goals is like a north star – guiding you into operating effectively! 

  • Knowing Your Target Audience

A joke or approach only lands when it’s aligned with its intended recipients. The same is true for video marketing. So, you must know your audience: what makes them tick, which platforms they frequent, and what topics they’re likely to seek. That way, you can create videos they’ll actually enjoy and find valuable!

  • Choosing the Right Type of Video for Your Goals

Remember, every video format serves a distinct purpose. For instance, explainers are perfect for educating a foreign concept to a beginner while product demos are essential for those considering a purchase. 

To ensure your choice is aligned, choose the type that will reap your specific objective (or the stage of your buyers’ journey to cover all ground). 

  • Budgeting for Video Production

Decide how much you’re willing to spend upfront so you can plan accordingly and avoid any unexpected surprises. Though, if you want to establish your brand as an industry authority, your output has to appear professional. At least. If you’re aiming for a more budget-friendly option, pursue DIY. If you can expend more, rent instead of purchasing things like cameras, audio, and lighting! For sets, if you have the spaces available, utilize them! Otherwise, you can opt for green screens, which are available at varying prices.

Writing Compelling Video Content

The script is the backbone of the video. It saves time, guides you on the sequences of what to do next in production, and keeps viewers glued on-screen for the next big thing! Just make sure it’s clear, concise, and oozing with your brand personality! 

Optimizing Videos for Search Engines

Just like written content, videos need to be optimized for search engines to be easily discoverable. Video SEO increases visibility and drives organic traffic to your content:

  • Sprinkle relevant keywords throughout your title and descriptions to improve its searchability! 
  • Create eye-grabbing thumbnails to entice viewers to click! But avoid resorting to clickbait, as this deceptive tactic will only hinder viewers from forming any solid rapport with your brand.
  • Utilize tags and categories to make it easier for viewers to discover related videos! 

Distributing Your Videos Across Digital Platforms

Alright, so you’ve got the goods. Now what? Let’s get them out to the world! 

  • Embed the Video/s on Your Website – Doing so will enrich user experience and increase dwell time, boosting your SEO game! Win-win! 
  • Share it on Social Media – Platforms like TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram are ideal spots for amplifying your video’s reach. However, it’s important to tailor it to the specific platform – specifically, runtime, and aspect ratio to maximize engagement and shares optimize for mobile.
  • Leverage Email Marketing – Ditch plain jargon! Including videos in email marketing campaigns is way more interactive, encouraging recipients to take the desired reaction, and getting the point across immediately! 
  • Collaborate with Influencers and Partners – Team up with influencers and other brands to extend the reach of your video content to new audiences. Collaborative efforts can also lend additional credibility to your brand.

Measuring the Success of Your Video Marketing

Views, engagement, and conversions are metrics that help you gauge how well your videos are performing, so you can make informed decisions about whether or not to make changes to your strategy.

To track video engagement and conversion, use tools like YouTube Analytics, Vimeo Analytics, and Facebook Insights to gain insights!

Video is Here to Stay

Video isn’t a marketing trend that’s only a “hit” for now, but it’s here to stay. Specifically, in every forward-thinking business’s strategy. With its capability to convey complex ideas in a memorable and engaging format, it’s imperative to understand its components to ensure its effectiveness. Don’t just throw stuff on it, hoping it’ll stick. But approach it with intent, and from there, you’ll see how much of a difference it makes in improving your videos’ engagements and visibility! 

Ready to turn your viewers into customers? Work with NGP-IMC for a data-backed video marketing strategy that will make your videos stand out! 

Harmony Adiao-Carrillo
Harmony Adiao-Carrillo is the editorial lead of NGP-IMC.