Why Monitoring Your Brand’s Social Media Sentiment Matters

Social media is the driving force of a brand: Every post, every meme, and every interaction feeds the real-time portrait of public perception. So gauging the social sentiment around your brand isn’t just for vanity metrics; it’s vital intel for understanding the nuanced conversations about your brand. This way, you’ll know if you’re on the right track; you can spot early warning signs and change course when necessary. Trust us, this buzz can be the deciding factor between brand loyalty and a hard pass! 

Let’s dive into it!

Understanding Social Media Sentiment Analysis

At its core, social media sentiment analysis is the process of identifying, analyzing, and interpreting how people feel about your brand. These are subtexts that go beyond surface-level metrics (likes, shares, and reposts). 

A prime example of this is when a brand becomes ingrained in pop culture and dropped in casual online and offline conversations – like how Filipinos refer to any takeout container as “Tupperware”.

By understanding these connotations, you’ll gain the ability to make informed choices, whether it’s joining in on the “joke” for positive publicity or implementing corrective action to improve brand image.

 The Impact of Social Media Sentiment on Brands

Ignoring sentiment is like navigating with your eyes shut. Luck might lead you to success, but there is also the risk of stumbling about and missing opportunities you didn’t even know were available to you. This scenario is more common in running a business than you think. You’ll want to avoid it at all costs! 

Social media sentiments also tend to affect:

  • Customer loyalty and trust

Positive sentiments about your brand can lead to several benefits: enhanced brand image, heightened credibility, and increased customer loyalty. In contrast, negative sentiments can have detrimental effects: loss of trust, boycotts, customers turning to alternative brands, and “getting canceled”.

  • Sales and revenue

In the long run, a positive sentiment fosters an environment conducive to growth by boosting sales and revenue. On the other hand, negative sentiment has the potential to create obstacles, repel potential customers, and ultimately lead to a decline in financial performance.  

How to Analyze Social Media Sentiment

To conduct an analysis, leverage the wide range of online tools and techniques available (e.g., Google Alerts, IFTTT (If This Then That), and Sprout Social). These span from single keyword tracking to advanced machine-learning algorithms, which will allow you to systematically categorize online posts based on their sentiment – positive, negative, or neutral.

Why Monitor Your Brand’s Social Media Sentiment?

  1. Detect potential issues early

The online buzz can cut both ways – it can elevate you to cult status or subject your business to derision overnight, with the latter capable of harmful effects. Thus, identifying potential issues early allows for a swift remedy, preventing a full-scale crisis!

  1. Gain insights into customer preferences and expectations

Sentiment analysis enables you to discern if there’s a disconnect between your messaging, product, and customer expectations. With it, you can make targeted improvements and adjustments, be it in your product or marketing strategies.

  1. Enhance customer service and support

Monitoring conversations and mentions reveals any shortcomings in your customer service and support, guiding you to review and apply prompt changes to staff training or approach for a better customer experience.

  1. Learn your competitive analysis and market position

A clear understanding of your competitive landscape allows you to make strategic moves – such as leaning into your strengths and tackling areas for improvement – to establish a brand identity distinct from the rest.

Strategies for Improving Your Brand’s Social Media Sentiment

  • Engage with your audience – Cultivate a loyal community by regularly interacting with your audience and creating a welcoming space for conversation (e.g., hosting Q&A sessions on YouTube or Instagram Live).
  • Address negative feedback constructively – Turn detractors into solid advocates by addressing concerns transparently. Don’t be defensive! This will demonstrate that you truly value their feedback and are committed to providing solutions. 
  • Encourage positive reviews and testimonials – Boost your brand’s image and credibility by proactively encouraging satisfied customers to share their positive experiences by leaving reviews and posting testimonials. 
  • Leverage user-generated content – Stimulate engagement and build brand authenticity through interactive campaigns that motivate customers to share photos or videos featuring your products (e.g., photo contests).
  • Implement a proactive social media strategy –  Maintain positive sentiment and prevent PR issues from escalating by implementing a robust social media strategy that includes active monitoring and prompt responses.

Implementing these strategies will help better structure your social media plans, allowing you to reach your goals faster.

In the near future, we’re seeing that AI and Machine Learning will be leveling up sentiment analysis, making it even more precise and efficient. Studying this and integrating this into your marketing toolkit today will allow you to comprehensively grasp online sentiments and stay one step ahead of the competition! 

Monitor to win

As they say: “prevention is better than cure.” That’s especially true when it comes to your brand’s social media presence – where a single negative post can spread like wildfire, but the right, positive one can launch your business to the stars.

When you proactively monitor and understand social sentiments, you’ll be equipped to tackle issues at their source and provide prompt solutions. When you listen to your audience’s sentiments, you win.

Interested in elevating your brand’s image? Work with NGP-IMC to help you make a lasting impression – that we can monitor, of course!

Harmony Adiao-Carrillo
Harmony Adiao-Carrillo is the editorial lead of NGP-IMC.